Muhammad Hassan

Kasur Mawakhat Program
Hello, I'm Muhammad Hassan from Dhala Kalaan, Kasur. In 2014, facing financial ruin, Dunya Foundation's interest-free loan was my lifeline. Starting with farming, I built capital, invested in a solar tube well, and now farm without loans. The tractor I bought cut expenses and brought extra income. Thanks to Dunya Foundation, my life transformed from struggle to prosperity.

Ameer Hamza

Dunya Foundation Technical Training Center
Hello, I'm Ameer Hamza. DFTTC changed my life; finishing the electrician program empowered me to start my electronics business in Marali Hathar, Kasur. From financial struggles to a monthly income of PKR 50,000, Dunya Foundation's support made it possible. I am grateful for the chance to contribute to my community.

Muhammad Aashiq

Kasur Mawakhat Program
Grateful for Dunya Foundation's support. With eight children and two breadwinners, life was tough. Their loans enabled me to get a solar tubewell and a tractor, transforming my agriculture and improving my finances. Now, I have a steady income and can provide for my family quickly. I am forever thankful for Dunya Foundation's meaningful impact.

Abida Bibi

Kasur Mawakhat Program
I'm Abida Bibi, the sole breadwinner in our family of 8. Dunya Foundation's support, providing a livestock loan, has been transformative. Today, I have four animals; their assistance is the cornerstone of our continued provision. They haven't just alleviated our financial struggles; they've become indispensable, ensuring a stable livelihood for our family.

Azhar Mahmood

Dunya Foundation Technical Training Center
DFTTC changed my life. Completing the Heavy Machinery Operators course empowered me to invest in an excavator, generating a monthly income of PKR 300,000. The skills gained allowed me to break free from limitations, transforming from a humble background to a successful business owner. I am grateful for Dunya Foundation's lasting impact on rural communities.

Riasat Ali, Father of Muhammad Mustafa 

Dunya Foundation Medical Camp
Thanks to Dunya Foundation, my child got a second chance at life. In February 2022, he was diagnosed with cancer, and DFMC, in collaboration with CPTH, played a vital role. I am grateful to the dedicated medical professionals and Dunya Foundation for their unwavering support, providing my child with a new lease on life.

Tehmina Muhmmad Ali

Allied School Hardo Muhammad Kay
I'm Tehmina Muhammad Ali, and Dunya Foundation transformed my life. From an Allied School Hardo Muhammad Kay student to an independent nurse, my journey reflects the power of education and community support. With gratitude, I say, 'Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.' Thank you, Dunya Foundation, for being my 'together' in this remarkable journey.

Sajida Bibi

Kasur Mawakhat Program
I'm Sajida Bibi, with a family of 4. Learning about Dunya Foundation's interest-free loan, I took four loans for livestock, and today, I have five animals worth PKR 400,000. Livestock is my sole source of earnings that sufficiently fulfills all my family's needs. I am grateful to Dunya Foundation for their tremendous efforts.

Razia Bibi

Kasur Mawakhat Program
I'm Razia Bibi, a proud beneficiary of Dunya Foundation's initiatives. Their unwavering support launched my chair-making business, reigniting hope in my family. Guided by resilience, I'm determined to surmount challenges and craft a brighter future for my children. Thanks to Dunya Foundation for your ongoing support.